My team can't live without UpdateAI

Kristi Faltorusso
CCO - ClientSuccess
Key Challenges
Time management - CSM teams have trouble executing 4+ calls / day while taking notes, documenting action items, and understanding renewal dynamics
Team training - coaching CSMs to "get customers talking" and making sure CSM team is holding less than 30% of the conversation
Need to understand product feedback and implementation risks across all customers
Benefits of Using UpdateAI
Teams became more productive and strategic with customers using UpdateAI. Team becomes "100% present" during strategic customer conversations while trusting UpdateAI take care of the "busy work" in the background
Call breakdowns by % of person talking give CSMs immediate feedback on how well a call went
Search for keywords across all conversations and bring "exactly what the customer is saying" about Products to executives directly from UpdateAI transcripts and insight dashboards
Kristi Faltorusso
CCO - ClientSuccess
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